Vestibular rehabilitation: helps decrease/resolve vertigo & dizziness, and balance issues. Improves your ability to stabilize your vision, decrease symptoms of dizziness/vertigo, improve your balance and increase your strength with a individualized exercise program which all contributes to decreasing your risk of falling & improving your quality of life. 

Vertigo: sudden spinnning sensation triggered by quick head movements, can increase risk of falls & cause nausea. Most common cause is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. BPPV is thought to arise from the displacement of otoconia, also known as inner ear calcium carbonate crystals ("ear rocks") into the semicircular canals of the ear. It's a short duration of vertigo lasting seconds to one minute. If the subjective assessment and history indicate BPPV, then further physical investigation is needed to confirm a diagnosis. BPPV can easily be diagnosed and treated through simple clinic-based procedures. The two diagnostic maneuvers used clinically are the Dix-Hallpike maneuver and the Supine Roll Test. A positive result on either of these tests indicates a diagnosis of BPPV (the therapist watches how your eyes respond, observing for nystagmus). The maneuvers help distinguish the type of BPPV and identify the ear involved. If the test is positive, your therapist will do a repositioning maneuver to move the crystals to an area of the ear that doesn't cause vertigo. The procedure relieves vertigo in about 80% of people after one or two treatments. You may be instructed with a home exercise program after the procedure. You may also benefit from gentle neck mobilizations as often times the neck musculature stiffens with this condition.

Dizziness: something affecting your spatial orientation causing you to feel woozy & you may feel unsteady.

Balance: relies one your central nervous system (brain & sensory system). Sensory system includes your inner ear, your vision, your skin, joints & muscles. Your brain pulls this information together so it can tell your body how to maintain balance. When it’s not working, the information can’t be processed correctly. Vestibular rehab helps restore those connections helping reduce your symptoms of dizziness and imbalance. Therapy may include eye movement exercises, balance training and stretching/strengthening exercises.